
To tell the story of a new mine, it’s people, their dreams and passions.


We visited San Julián six times in 24 months. We stayed five days on each visit. On each visit, we interviewed people in the communities and employees, photographed the mine, and filmed activities in various towns. Additionally, we installed a timelapse to register the construction of San Julián. We edited eight films and developed a digital platform to tell the story of the people in San Julián.

Case study

Services rendered:

Photography, film, and web


Tortilla maker | Las Papas


First newborn in San Julián | San Julián clinic


Safety workshop | Turuachi


Water bottling business | San Julián 


Casa Turuachi | Turuachi


Proempleo | San Julián 


First Robotic Competition | Potrobots  
